[UX] AR Mobile Map

[ Situation ]

Have you ever visited an unfamiliar city? Generally, you can easily find your way using a mobile app for right directions.

However, what if you’re running late, on a phone call, and the city’s buildings all look very similar, making it confusing?

Especially for senior users, analyzing a 2D map can be extremely challenging and daunting.

In such a situation, the AR feature of a map can be of significant help.

[ User Scenario ]

  1. The user visits the city and exits through the subway exit.
  2. The user cannot determine direction due to numerous surrounding buildings.
  3. The user launches the mobile map app.
  4. The user inputs the desired destination.
  5. Mobile app instructs the user to start heading south.
  6. The user checks the GPS direction on the map and observes the surrounding buildings.
  7. The user cannot determine which way is south.
  8. The user, feeling frustrated, presses the current location and refresh buttons.
  9. The user, having low understanding of the terrain, cannot accurately comprehend the route.
  10. The user presses the AR view button.
  11. Through the mobile camera, arrows and estimated time are displayed.
  12. The user accurately finds south and walks towards it.

[ Journey Map ]

[ User Experience ]

[ Affordance ]

The user needs to frequently check their network communication status.

[ Variable or Constraint ]

The user hesitates to use the mobile app while engaged in important phone calls.

[ Gimmick Point ]

By following the navigation route, users can collect in-game items.

With the AR camera, the user can discover sales promotions in front of stores.

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