[UX] Ordering Food on a Touchscreen Display

[ Situation of Kiosk ]

Many users experience difficulty when ordering food at a touchscreen kiosk. If they could order all menu items through scrolling on a single screen without having to use the menu tabs, it would eliminate [Kiosk Phobia].

[ User Scenario ]

  1. The user touches the touchscreen of the kiosk.
  2. The Kiosk displays the menu.
  3. The user scrolls and selects a burger from the first column.
  4. The user selects a drink from the second column.
  5. The user selects a side menu from the third column.
  6. The user views the total amount and order button in the fourth column.
  7. The user completes the order.
  8. The Kiosk prints the receipt.
  9. The Receipt is handed over to the user.
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[ Journey Map ]

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[ Navigation-free User Experiences ]

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[ Affordance ]

Insert the card regardless of its orientation.

Display all menus like a slot machine (without using tab menus).

[ Variable or Constraint ]

Feel uncomfortable due to the reflection of the person behind on the touchscreen.

All menus are shown as thumbnails, making it difficult to know their actual size.

[ Gimmick Point ]

The real size of the selected food on the touchscreen appears on the top screen.

The receipt shows a burger image instead of text.

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