[UX] Using a Dishwasher After Dinner

[ Situation of Dishwasher Use ]

When using the dishwasher, the user interacts with an object called the [dishware] to utilize the obstacle, which is the [dishwasher]. Here is a summary of all the steps from the user’s perspective.

[ User Scenario ]

  1. The user opens the dishwasher door.
  2. The user inserts the dishes into the dishwasher.
  3. The user adds detergent to the dishwasher.
  4. The user closes the dishwasher door.
  5. The user powers on the dishwasher.
  6. The user selects the control options on the dishwasher.
  7. The user presses the start button on the dishwasher.
  8. Once all the tasks are completed, the dishwasher plays an alarm melody to notify the user.
ux in dishwasher01

[ UX Journey Map ]

ux joueneymap in dishwasher01

[ User Experience Using a Dishwasher ]

ux process in dishwasher01

[ Affordance ]

Direction to grab the door handle

Pressing the visible power or button

Recognition of a problem when a beep sound is heard

[ Variable or Constraint ]

Inability to open the door manually

[ Gimmick Point ]

Instead of noise, orchestral music plays.

The dishwasher door has a touchscreen water gun game to clean the dishes more effectively.

Next Post : [UX] of Ordering Food on a Touchscreen Display

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